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Day number 28.12.05 of the voyage


Okay so get this.

In case we were in danger of thinking that my head couldn't get any larger...

So we have breakout this morning (pre-shift meeting) and I catch up with Mike my former trainer to finish signing paperwork we should have done four weeks ago but didnt.
We're sitting in the office downstairs and somehow we end up talking about how long I've been here and how long I have left and what I'm going to do when I get home and if I'm happy to leave or not.
I tell him that I'm not exactly aching painfully to get home and that when I do I'm thinking of maybe not going back to school.
So then we start talking about extension of programs etc and I tell him my plan from the start has been to get on the Disney Cruiselines - that's all I'm here for.
He mentions that I should talk to Harold, the training manager whom I've met twice before, and then before I know it the three of us are talking about positions in management.

Sorry, what?
A manager??

Harold tells me all this crap about my work ethic and attitude and agrees with Mike that I'd be an excellent manager.

I can really only gape at both of them and ask eventually "where on Earth are you getting this idea from???"

First yesterday I'm patted on the back by a manager for simply doing a routine BBP clean-up, then I'm pulled aside and told I'm an excellent castmember and the Coordinator's really proud of me... and now this.

They want a rookie custodial as a manager? Are they that desperate?

Some crazy Australian shitkicker/cleaner who leads guests to the restroom by forming a conga-line and walking them down the promenade of zone 7?
(Okay, that was only once and it was toward the end of today's shift)

I can't get out the door... head... too... big.

Seriously tho
It's given me something to think about.

Day number 27.12.05 of the voyage

And a Happy New Year...

Yesterday marked the first of my 6 day week til New Years, most of which is the AM shift again - bleh. I miss my sleep-ins already.
The highlights of yesterday were:
    Discovering that if were so inclined I could nap relatively comfortably by arranging some of the boxes in one of the closets and half-laying/half-leaning on them - but I don't do that....

    Being on the scene for a BBP clean-up in Cap'n Jacks Restaurant after one of the kitchen staff severed his ring finger from his left hand

Yes there's a note for future reference kids, when a giant stab-blender thing falls from your counter and is switched on, let the fucker fall - don't try and catch it.

Today the highlights of my day were:
    Being praised by a manager, a supervisor, and a fellow castmember, and saying how proud they are of me

    One of the nice black guys I work with passing me his number and saying how nice it'd be to talk to me

    Being called someone's sweet cuddly koala

    When I was coming home, getting told I'm more attractive when I smile


Some other things that stood out today that were not nearly as nice was hearing/seeing a mother beat her daughter in the disabled stall of one of the restrooms I was checking on. The other guests and I just looked at each other with the same look and - and I'm sure Disney would grr at me for it - I muttered to someone "Yep, Happiest Place On Earth..."
Also, passing several people having their own private war in the middle of Downtown Disney on cell phones -- Americans and their drama. Damn.

I made my day better by running thru the Interactive Fountain on the way back to base (water squirting up in different sequences and you don't know which part is going to spurt next). Its fun to watch the really little kids play on it, and squeal when they get squirted. I managed to miss most of them except for a tricky one that scored the side of my foot just before I had finished crossing. I've watched that thing for ages and still haven't worked out the timing - it still seems so random, like some hidden guy is just watching pushing buttons. It wouldn't shock me - and then I'd ask how could I get that job...

Count of Interested Black Men:

Funny 'Only in America'sightings thus far:
Mr Rooter USA
Gaylord Palms Resort
Hooters and The Crab House side by side on a street

Weeks worked:

Weeks to go:

Parks visited:
None :(

Sometimes I wish I had a direct mental link to my blog - I always have everything in my head in the right order and all planned, then I get to blog and it disappears and I end up guessing half of it.

Day number 25.12.05 of the voyage

Melly Chlistmas!

my shift for Christmas Eve was 11:30-8pm.

"Vicki can you stay until 12:30?"

"I'd.... love.... to..."

Why did I say that???

Anyway, I worked my 12.5 hours, came back home around 1am, had a bath, got changed and went downstairs to where friends had invited me over for their little gathering. Most of us had just finished work too so it was a very quiet shindig, and they gave a me a plate of food and we all just sat and chatted for a while.
Then I came back up to my apartment where most people were asleep to work again today, so I cracked open a beer (albeit an icky Miller) turned on the tv belonging to my roomate and fell asleep in my clothes til about 11 this morning.

So it's Christmas Day and nothing's open but Walgreens and CVS (Pharmacy & Convenient Stores) and people are working and cast arent allowed into the theme parks today so as to avoid extra guest traffic congestion so it's going to be a boring christmas for me.
But perhaps that's a good thing.
One roomie is making Christmas cookies and taking many phonecalls from family and another is talking on the phone in Chinese to her family. I'm trying to get pictures of them when they're not looking so I can have some where they dont hide their faces.

Most of you have all had your Christmas lunches and dinners and had to sit thru gruelling interaction with long lost relatives, hope you all came thru it okay.
Right now, I'm off to go play with the squirrels outside for a while.

I've gotten over that scene in Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. They were a little scary dragging Veruca to the garbage chute.
'I don't want just any squirrel, I want a trained squirrel'

Day number 24.12.05 of the voyage

Ooh dear...

i'm a little bit tipsy

i missed rumplemint shots so much

FREE DRINKS! - way to go mr man at the other end of the bar who liked my roomie and I.

too bad we ended up to be a couple from Ohio and Sydney that met on the internet and hooked up in the US.
Spinning stories to drink-buying strangers is fun.

Day number 23.12.05 of the voyage

Smack my fingers

I'm wagging today.
I had an argument with the alarm clock and I eventually won.

"Hi, im on the IC program, I'd like to call in for this afternoon..."

Day number 22.12.05 of the voyage


Tonight after work I went to Pleasure Island.
To be more accurate - I bummed around PI most of the day, went back to base, clocked out, got changed then headed back again to experience it as a guest - and also to take advantage of my free admission into clubs.
I started out the evening in The Comedy Warehouse - which is 5 awesome Improv'ers and a whizzbang muso on the keys in a few half-hour shows created on the spot. I supplied a title for a song for them to make called "Who stole my kangaroo?" It wasn't bad, and they were all very good, but I'm glad I didnt pay for it.
Second on my hitlist was a place I loved since I stepped into it on my induction day, The Adventurer's Club - imagine the film The Mummy, the scene where theyre all in the bar and they first notice the water turning to blood. This club is set in 1937 and there is STUFF everywhere! Spears and sheilds and busts and trophies and all sorts of props ornaments and artefacts adorn the walls and shelves. The various animal heads and busts speak to the guests and one of them reminded me of one of the old men from the muppets - the kind April says that Baz and I are. In the front bar section this puppeteered man on the wall sang us thru the Adventurers Club theme, taught us how to salute and then in we went into 'The Library' for the show. Other than the spunky Engligh pilot character, Sir Hathaway "Im Sorry Reverend Was That Your Daughter" Brown.
Improv mingling with guests keeping to some sort of script as work? Count me in.

Before my escapade to PI tho I 'worked' from noon til eight. It was boring cos we were overstaffed. I spent most of it bumming around and watching tv in the break room.
At the very beginning of the day I met with a few hiccups - verbalised later as 'A-Fucking-Mericans!' - but bumped into a few of my sweeter people and that made it all better.
Also I fell into conversation with 3 guests who loved me and my lil accent and my charming personality so much that they took a picture with me and told Guest Relations how wonderful I am.
Sigh, it's true I know. No autographs please.

and by the way
For Jane:
Current count of interested black men: Four

Day number 21.12.05 of the voyage

Where else but the USA

Only Aussies will get why this was funny to see on the side of a work ute today.

Day number 20.12.05 of the voyage

And a pair of Wonka goggles for Bonnie...

Today some clothes I ordered from Hot Topic arrived. I'm so excited, tho most of them I have to send back and get a size smaller, except for the only girls top I bought of which I need a size larger. How dumb.
I also got a Nightmare Before Christmas jacket and bag - oh how the bag rocks - and a few more badges for my collection on my guitar case, including of course one that says I (Heart) Pirates.


I also got some shirts for Basil and Bonnie's goggles - tempted to keep them!

But that's not what I was going to blog about, Im just excited. I was walking out the door to the bus and saw the UPS van pull in and I thought 'Oooh I wonder if my order will be there when I come home' and it was!!!

Today I decided it was indeed time to go food shopping and do laundry but alas after my early departure from work yesterday I discovered that my bag with my wallet in it was still at work in one of the (thankfully) locked closets. So I had to catch one bus to DTD to get it, walk around til the next bus came taking pictures - which was ok cos I got to talk to one of the bicycle security guards who loves me and who I swear is stalking me cos I always see him there - catch another bus back, kill 45mins, catch another bus to Wal Mart (oh how I love it), then JUST catch another bus back, then lug all of my hideously full bags back to my upstairs apartment.

But its all good now because I have had something to eat and am starting my laundry downstairs. I packed all my shopping away and divided up the pack of meat I bought into little one serve packs in the freezer like my mummy taught me when I was little :P

I've been a good little munchikin and have been looking after myself properly. Today I bought some fresh fruit & veg as well as my usual frozen variety, some cheese and soymilk - mmm soymilk, call me crazy but I like it. Tonite for tea I cooked one of the chops I bought lastweek and then turned lastnight's risotto into fried rice in the pan after my meat was done. I am determined that that frozen pizza in the freezer remains an 'emergency only' last resort.

It reminds me of the ad "Yes Mum, I am. I am looking after myself."

$10 if you can tell me what product/brand that commercial is advertising - cos I've forgotten.

Anyhoo, the washers and dryers call me. See y'all later. :P

That sound rings a bell...

On Sunday night I worked in Zone 8 where there are a few cool cafes and restaurants including Bongos Cuban Cafe owned by Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estevez - eww - I care not whether I spelt their names correctly because I care not about them.


Amongst these cool places in Zone 8 there is also DisneyQuest (home of the virtual reality pirate adventure that I've already gushed about), Cirque Du Soleil (which my redneck ex-trainer pronounces as Circus Dulay), and House of Blues. All of Downtown Disney is beside, or rather curled around, a lake, so it's really really nice working there, but Zones 7 & 8 (called The Westside) are on the opposite side of the lake and it's especially pretty at night.

House of Blues looks pretty cool and like DisneyQuest and Cirque I'm eager to mosey on down and check it out. Good food, good music, old and rustic look and feel, and a cool rusty watertower as their signpost.

On this particular night High Octane was playing out the front where all the al fresco tables were. They were pretty good.

I stopped out front and watched them for a while. Hearing some good ol rockabilly sounds again, it reminded me when I'd tag along with my brother and his mates to what was then called the Blue Water Cafe and see the Tomahawks** play.
Meh, I wasn't a real rockabilly, I know that now, I just liked their stuff.

Kinda spooky since I was walking past that same zone singing a Tomahawks song a while ago. If that one gig we went to was nowadays, I wouldnt have given the singer Dave his hat back when we stole it off him, I may've kept it - it was a cool Fedora. I knew not about these things back then. I was just a 16 year old kid whose brother's friends were buying Cactus' for.

Ah remember Cactus? They were kinda like Cruisers but better.


Around since 1992 this 4 piece band has been described by dB Mag as “looks a little crazy, sound a little crazy and apt to go a little crazy” and also by The MAX Festival as “having a tattooed, shaven-headed singer and a long haired Viking-like backing band that includes a stand up bass, who belt out a vicious rockabilly. Their styles are a home brew of rockabilly, country rock & Irish folk music. Fresh, energetic and rockin’ Covers from artists like The Pogues, Hank Williams, Stary Cats, The Proclaimers, Creedence, Eddie Cochrane, Chuck Berry & Johnny Cash to name a few.
-Aardvark Entertainment

Day number 19.12.05 of the voyage


It seems all some people can do is complain to others, even uninvolved or disinterested parties - I saw it lastnite, I saw it today. I see it in guests, I see it in cast. I hear it at home sometimes, I hear it at work other times.

Negativity... what a waste of time and energy.

Today was a challenge - working 2 shifts back to back like that, to find out I really didn't have to quite like that (aka my schedule wasn't updated and I wasnt informed that I started an hour later than the others cos I'd worked lastnight's late shift).
But meh, it wont be a repeated mistake, and despite my doubts, I managed 7hours out of my 8. When everyone else finished, one of my cool bosses (she loves me) told me to go home. I told her I'd just finish these last 2 tasks and she said no, you need to go home now, and she gave me a lift in the golf cart thingo back to base.

It's doing this sort of thing that makes you realise what kind of person you really are.

I've been meaning to blog that statement since Day One.

It's true though.

I dont mean this kind of work. You can do pretty much what I'm doing anywhere, give or take some tasks.
No, I mean to pick up everything and find your own way to some place on the otherside of the globe, work for an internationally recognised company, get your foot in the door, and make it on your own in completely different circumstances and surroundings.

Slag it all you want, but it took alot to get me here and yeah okay I'm just a pawn in the masterplan for now.
I've even told my other castmembers when they ask me to do things: "Sure, I'm a tool - pick me out of the garage, use me for whatever you want, dust me down, and hang me up again. That's me. Vicki your little Aussie pawn."

But hey, I'm cool with that. I do that shit at home, so why not do it somewhere fun, somewhere famous, and somewhere that can take me other places.
Yeah I'm starting on the bottom, so what? Only one direction to go from there. And as Mr Hell says: "I started out as low as you could go, which is a good place to look up women's skirts..."


But anyway, as I say with all things in life: Don't knock it til you've tried it.

And if you knock it anyway, I'll simply say "I'm in another country; working, travelling, meeting new people and making the most of my life... what are you doing?"

Hey Mickey Miki* you're so fine

A little girl was on her daddy's shoulders. She was a tiny tiny cute china-doll of a kid and as they passed me doing a trash run I smiled at them. Her dad read my nametag and said "Say 'Hello Vicki' " and the little china doll said:

" 'Allo Miki"

*for the uninformed, Miki is what Carly's youngest calls me and it's kinda stuck. I was just so ecstatic to hear it again here on the other side of the world. I'm sticking to my story that she really did mean me and not that mouse.

Swash Swash Buckle Buckle


Sorry, that got me very excited. I've been walking around Zone 8 calling out "Dead... Men... Tell... No... Tales..." like Mr Cotton's parrot in Curse of the Black Pearl.

Today I earnt an extra 11c in small change. it's wonderful what bonuses you can pick up whilst sweeping the streets.

I worked the 4pm - 12:30am shift and have to be into work for the 7:30am shift tomorrow. Typical of my insomniac ways, when I have to sleep I cant so here I am blogging instead of getting what I can out of my 4 or so hours of sleep time.

Also typical is the fact that I knew exactly what interesting things I was going to blog about today but when I'm here I always forget.

How dumb.

Tonight I was my supervisor's hero because I got a wall of grafitti lovely and clean. What kind of moron puts their full name on a wall in crayon?
An American moron, that's what.

The other day on the same 4pm-12:30am shift I spoke to an older person who loved me and called me an ambassador to the company and all sorts of other wonderful head-swelling praise. On the same note today a castmember from my morning team informed me how missed I am in the AM shift.

Someone asked if I'd been naughty and that's why they moved me, I said I was making them laugh too much and they werent concentrating on their work while I was around.

That said I'm back on AM tomorrow, then a day off Tuesday - on which I'll no doubt do something terribly exciting like do my laundry and go food shopping - then 11am-8pm shifts til Christmas Day - which I'm lucky enough to have off also.

Day number 14.12.05 of the voyage


childish people shit me
as does the fact that there seems to be no shortage of them in the world.
no matter whether im at work or at 'home', some people are just stupid and not worth my bother.

and thanks Maz, you made me smile. it's been a rough 3 or so days.

Day number 13.12.05 of the voyage

Yay presents

Today I did most of Zone 1, the second largest zone in Downtown Disney, pretty much all by myself. But Im getting used to that and frankly I'd kinda prefer it - its just this whole learning stage...yknow when I already feel stupid for asking things that I, in my 'I am Wonder Woman' attitude, feel I should know by now.

When I got back to base I told them that for having a lame partner (which they agreed my assigned partner was indeed so), and with my radio/walkie talkie battery dying so I was out of contact, and having little to no clue about the zone, I not only did a damn fine job, but I proved that I was indeed worth my weight in gold.

After feeling like I hadnt done much all day & doing my best to keep busy and do everything on my list, I was approached by my partner (the first time since he deserted me to fend for myself this morning as soon as we retrieved keys) and told to take break. I told him I had had my two breaks today already.
I was doing the trash run - alone - and he said he'd take it from here. I said I was fine and that we'll do it together... yknow, like it says for us to?
He told me to go take a breather. I told him I was fine again.
He said I was doing too much. I told him I felt like I wasn't doing enough but that I reckon I did a good job since he decided to walk off this morning, and went back to doing the run.
He took the cart from me and told me not to do too much. I looked at him with a 'what??' face.
He said I was making him look bad.

It was only because we were amongst the guests that I didnt yell "WELL GOOD COS YOU ARE!" like I wanted to.

Instead, I took off my gloves, threw them into his cart, said "Fine, finish it yourself if you want" and muttered an insincere and relatively sarcastic thanks. Then I told him what I'd already done so he'd know what was left. He stared at me like I'd told him I'd walked on water.

I shrugged and walked off to the custodial closet I'd stowed my jacket in, and tried to keep one of the service guidlines I try to keep in the back of my mind most: Display appropriate body language at all times.

For some reason, the interaction really bugged me.

I got to the closet, made sure the heavy door locked behind me, pulled out one of the little towels from the pouch on my belt and cried into it.

Having already had a messed up day yesterday, worse still by the fact that yesterday was my day off and was supposed to be therefore a nice day, I evidently had some steam to release.

For a brief moment, as I heard guests going past I did have a small smirk at if they only knew that just on the other side of this locked door, someone was sobbing themselves stupid here in The Happiest Place on Earth.

After relieving that pressure and composing myself after a few minutes, making sure I still looked human again and giving myself a rather disgusted talking to, I headed back to base a little early, ready for the day to be over.

When I clocked out, I told base that my radio was dead and so was the other guy's. Eli, one of the coordinators, said 'oh, G-----, yeah he's not the best partner...'
He giggled at me in a friendly way when I simply said 'Hmm, I'm not saying anything..." Then informed me that downstairs in our managers office were our christmas presents.

I got changed, scanned my costume back into wardrobe to be cleaned, then trudged downstairs. The tiny little lady whose name I forget, Grace I think, was all smiley and told us merry christmas and handed out little A4 sized boxes. Inside I've just found a rather nice picture frame with a little golden magic castle emblem on it and Walt Disney World and room for a cool shot or two.

Yay presents. That perked me up a little. :)

Day number 10.12.05 of the voyage

Zone 7

Today I worked Zone 7, pretty much by myself cos Daniel hates doing this and he's having a really depressed time of it. 'Cos we're only here a few months, they won't move him to another role. I feel kinda bad for him, but can't help thinking he shoulda made more of a fuss before his 4th day on the job. Either way, poor guy.

That said, he was shitting me a tiny bit cos all he did for a while was complain, but I do understand. He was actually feeling sick from the smell and I can only be thankful of my limited sense of smell. Times like this I don't consider it a disadvantage.

I wish it was a little more helpful today having to clean up what I will only describe as what I speculate to have been the aftermath of a child with a tummybug. Seriously tho kid, how do you get that under the seat?

Anyway, Zone 7. This zone and the next is where stuff like the Virgin Megastore, DisneyQuest virtual reality entertainment, the AMC movie theatre, and Cirque Du Soleil all come together in this huge hub of stuff to do. It mostly gets busy at night, during the day people are at the themeparks. So today was pretty much me working about the place getting reaquainted with locations and stuff that we'd skimmed over earlier in the week.

I took a few group pictures of people which I must admit is my favourite part of the job, and even grew so bold as to ask people who looked lost or whatever if I could help them, which Disney encourages but which up until this point I've been a little inconfident in trying.

The shifts are 8 hours long as per usual but all said and done the day goes by relatively quickly. You have enough to do to fill that time, even if its just walking amongst the people on 'pan and broom' detail duty and talking to guests.

So this far along, I'm surprised to report that I actually like my job - tho of course, this is subject to change with time no doubt. After bosses talking with Daniel about him being unhappy in his current role they all checked on me to see if I felt the same. I could only shrug and say "No, I'm great." :)

It's my accent, I swear....

Lastnite I was waiting for the bus and I got to talking with this guy who also lives in my apartment complex. He said he had to be 'back here at 7pm.' When I asked why he showed me a ticket to see Chronicles of Narnia.

me: Cool, I want to see it.

him: yeah? What you doing tonite?

me: nothing.

him: Wanna go?

me: *thinking* how much is it? (down to my last few dollars til I go shopping)

him: I'll pay for you :)

So between then and calling his apartment a bit later I wondered what to do and whether this was a date or not. I concluded what the hey, free ticket to see Narnia, so I went.

I was describing him to a room-mate as weird and kinda creepy but when we hung out for the 2 hours before the film (sold-out shows meant we had to catch a later session for me to join him), he had me laughing the whole time. He talks more than I do, which worked fine cos to begin with I didnt really know what to say.

Anyway, to wrap it up, we bumped into some of the other Aussies, saw the film, got home, shook hands, half hugged and went to our apartments happy to have made a new friend. My roomie tells me that the talk of the downstairs hang-out where all the aussies I came with get together was: Vicki was on a date tonite..... with a GUY.


If they only knew that a few minutes ago I was just 'kinda not really but hey im a lil tiny bit interested' asked out by a girl who lives down the hall.

I'm nowhere near this popular at home.

My conclusion? It's the accent.

Day number 9.12.05 of the voyage


Yeah, bbp ... bloodborne pathogens.
Today a lady fell over and smashed up her nose. I was one of the custodials on the scene to clean up the blood and properly make the place icky-nasty-germ-free.
this was close to the end of the shift tho. before this Daniel and I had a quiet-ish day and amused ourselves and the guests by dancing in between sweeping and doing bins.
Im happy cos all the questions people asked me today, I knew the answer too. that's very exciting: to feel all the info they've drilled into you from the start finally sticking.

Day number 7.12.05 of the voyage

First Day + an email home

Today I got to dress in my somewhat abhorrent costume (not bad compared to some others out there - and I can wear a jacket that covers my stupidly 'neccessary' tucked in shirt) and had an on-the-job training day. It was mostly working around and learning where things are and what's what.
My trainer was some loud obnoxious guy who, by the end of my shift, I had decided I don't like much at this moment - we'll see if that changes.
I finally got to have a look around Pleasure Island - the clubby area of which I'd heard so much - and discovered the gay bar of the clubs. The discovery was purely accidental... our trainer said some comment or other about not wanting to let children seeing two guys or two girls kissing each other and "that kinda thing would go on in here."
I think it was after that an inner-monologue was constantly running in my head, and not alot of it was good about him. When he and a superior were bickering - or rather, the supervisor was talking and he was bickering - I turned off my good little girl mode and started throwing some of his comments back. Which I think he enjoyed actually, saying I was a girl after his own heart. The nice Brazillian boy I was training with told him "Yeah, don't mess with her" and I grinned and said he talks like he knew me. So yeah, me and the Brazil boy became mates.

I sent out a bulk email a lil earlier. For those who didn't get it:

Okay okay, the update. For those who I havent been able to contact yet.

My work as Custodial Host includes: cleaning spillages (vomit or other bodily fluids are called 'protein spills' mehehe) so keeping the area clean and safe, interacting with and assisting guests, and be a general person on the ground that keeps an eye on hings and helps guests with questions etc.

I finished training on Sunday, and started work today. I have to wear white pants and a white shirt with a bit of yellow and blue on it - so clotheswise I got the better end of the deal compared to some of the others. You should see some of the crap they make some kids wear. Mehehehe. So Im quite happy with that - except i think having a cleaner wear white is a bit stupid, and I have to tuck my shirt into the pants and that wont be very flattering, and i may need to buy some undies that arent bright or patterned since when i bend over people may be able to see my lil love hearts and flowers i have presently

The good news is that I can wear the same black shoes i bought for my traditions class, so that saves me buying more stuff i wont use - even tho shoes are pretty cheap here. I bought a backup pair the otherday incase mine werent acceptable and they only cost about AUD$13. But mine were okay, so I'm taking them back cos I was a clever lil cookie and i kept the docket.

Yesterday I had to jump on the wal-mart bus and do some shopping cos im starting to run out of food. Thanks to the American way of eating, almost everything is available in LARGE sizes. So I'm saving by buying 'bulk' stuff.

My first day I opened my apartments fridge, gagged at the contents, shut the door and said 'i think tomorrow im going to buy some "real" food'. These people live off junk and soda and beer. The girl i share a room with.... Im taking a photo then I never want you to say my room is messy ever again. She has clothes EVERYWHERE including encroaching upon my half of the place, and amongst these clothes are packets of chips, lollies, soft drink cans, you name it. Its really a bit gross. Me and the other 'Australian' girl (chinese student studying in melbourne, whose computer this is) are the only clean ones i think. Mehe.

The other night she was wielding a vacuum cleaner, I hate to think what she found in this carpet and under the couch. But anyway in short, us Aussies are keeping the place up. I, being the water-conscience Aussie that i am, insist on doing dishes in the sink instead of the dish washer if theres only a handful - the American girls think Im crazy and listen to me wide eyed when I explain our water restrictions.

So in comparison, we're the clean and healthy-eating ones. Last nite I had sausages and mixed veggies and Laura Ann - who is 'friends with Mickey and Minnie and sometimes Donald' - said "thats not dinner, thats sausages and....some weird multicoloured stuff" and then I had to accompany her over to the fast food joint across the road to get her dinner.


Monday I went to Downtown Disney, where I'll be working, to check out the place, and several of my Aussies got on the bus too so we all went exploring and a bit of shopping. I got 2 of those rubber wristbands i wear (one for me and one for kirsty cos she collects them too) a rainbow mickey mouse ear pin, and a funny hat with monster ears and horns and fur and earflaps like my Heidi hat. It's based on the character Stitch from Lilo & Stitch and I loved it as soon as I saw it. I even put down the hat I had intended to get in favour of it (a green goofy hat with ears hanging down). I put it on and everyone agreed its very me. I like it cos when I shake my head the ears wobble. Two US ladies in the queue with us at an ice-cream parlour thought i was cute cos I was so rapt with it and kept saying 'look at my ears!! look at them dammit!!'. And i was sitting outside with it on and kids were pointing at me and were delighted when I waved at them.... so evidently Im a character performer anyway!!! HAHAHA.

Guests and cast alike liked it.
An attention-seeking hat.... I love it.

All in all, we made the most of our staff discount. One girl from Roseworthy (?), saved about $50 on her total spending for the day. And she bought quite alot.

Most of us are from Adelaide - well the lot that came in with me anyway. Out of the dozen or so of us, i'd say 7/8 were SA'ers. One girl is from Hallet Cove. The rest are more north, tho some go to Flinders. I'm the granny of the group, not that you can tell tho, running around with a monster hat on, and skipping up to the front when asked for volunteers at orientation. (Needless to say, everyone from Argentina and Brazil now also know Vicki from Australia, even though I dont know them.)

So once again, just like in school, despite my determination to go through this on my own, some people have kinda latched onto me, and they've accepted me pretty freely.
It helps going to a place like disney all together tho - we all know that we have similar personalities. And we do, stuff that I say and do that usually earns me a raised eyebrow and an 'oh my god what is she doing?' face amongst these kind of people back home are instead getting laughs and smiles. Having been separated from the rest in an over-21's apartment I thought that'd be the end of that once Orientation was over, but when I bumped into folks again on the bus yesterday they were all chirpy and really glad to see me again.

Aw shucks.

I stand out like a sore thumb still tho - Im not skinny and blonde and gorgeous like the rest of them, and I dress like a boy and/or funky rockstar, but like i said, we have all the performer's personality, and my differences are appreciated rather than scorned. So if you look at things from that perspective, being here is a bit better than woodloch - if only for the common company.

I still have a bit of my cold lingering. Im thinking of taking maybe 2 of my antibiotics, just to hit it on the head, but i'll grab some cold and flu stuff at the shops today and see how I fare. I dont really want to take any bombs yet, I may need them later.

And yes dont worry, of course Disney has taught me stuff. I HAD TO PASS CLASSES ON WHAT IM DOING! what do you think this is??? Give me the mop and send me on my way? Of course not silly woman, I had to earn my certificate - complete with mickey mouse pushing a broom on the bottom.
We had to show them we understood our instructions how to deal with sharps and what biohazard bags we put what in, how to correctly remove PPE and all the other crud involved. Then I had to pass a safety test and a Guests with Disabilities test - both of which I aced of course.

Im the only Aussie custodial in this intake. A Brazil boy with the wrong attitude in our class was challenging our table saying that its stupid we have to learn this cos as if we're gonna find a needle in the middle of a park. I asked if he was sure. He said yeah theres no way that could happen. I asked what if someone has diabetes and has to have an insulin shot everyday? He shut up and turned my attention back to my teacher with the smug smile I have.

I have access to a pool and gym. Too cold for the pool tho. The weather is just nice, but a lil chilly morning and evening when the squirrels come out. Teeheeeee. Havent checked out the gym yet, but no doubt after work when im frustrated sometime soon the weights will see I get some venting done. So far I've been too tired to do anything. I had my first sleep in this morning which was lovely. I keep going to bed early cos im tired, then waking up early cos ive slept my limit, and then im tired early again. But thats slooooowly correcting itself. Im waking up less during the night too. My bathroom has a shower/bath and lastnite I put the plug in and had a bit of a soak, not that its really built for laying down in, but it was nice anyway.

I've long since discovered I really am a custodial at heart anyway. I've instinctively cleaned up stuff around the place, and its always me who's first to replace the toilet roll or clean up the sink or tie the bin up to take out. Also, im constantly fishing the recyclables out of the bin and putting them in the recycling bag.

Mickey mouse ears are plentiful and I'm taking orders from y'all back home. Mehehe. Im a lil disappointed in the pirate stuff tho - I can get the same stuff for cheaper back there. Im hoping the actual Pirates of the Caribbean section will have better stuff tho. Fingers crossed.

Okay, I think I've just about covered everything there is to cover and I should head off.

Hugs to all.

Day number 6.12.05 of the voyage

dear diary

Today our bus was turning left and cut off a man in a four wheel drive in the oncoming lane.
He had to stop, but luckily had plenty of time and room to slow down safely first.
We couldnt hear what he was saying but I do know it involved a lot of F words.
I think he was a little angry.

Day number 4.12.05 of the voyage

Earning My Ears

Righto, for those of you who don't actually know where I am or what I'm doing, I'll enlighten you. At the moment, I am presently in the Disney Learning Centre of Vista Way - one of the residential areas for the company. I am participating in the International Program working in Walt Disney World, Florida*. I have found out that I'm to be working in Downtown Disney (shopping district) as a Custodial Host (cleaning and guest service).

Today I completed all my pre-placement training at the Disney University, and got a red "Earning My Ears" ribbon attached to my nametag. It's all rather scholarly in the Disney University, expect the classrooms are called Studio's and there's screens up on the walls that tell you what class is where and when in case you get lost. There's also a D Store and some screens down in the lobby - where this morning I watched Lambert The Sheepish Lion and was most happy, it being an absolute favourite of mine.

You may ask, what do you need to go to a Disney University for just to be a cleaner? Well I wondered that too. I thought they'd be all "this is a broom, you use it like this." And part of it is. There's actually quite a bit more to it than that however. Today in my 4 hour class I had to learn about Bloodbourne Pathogens, Operating Guides and general service information. After the class I had two tests, one on Saftey Procedures and another on Guests With Disabilities.

The day before yesterday I had what's called 'Traditions' class for 8 hours and we learnt about Disney's history and how everything came into being, which is actually more interesting than it sounds, and more fun than the college kids would have me believe.

For Traditions and classes at the Disney University, we all have to wear business clothes. So I've had quite a nice time catching my reflection of me in my rather smart suit-ish attire, my hair in a few clips, thinking 'damn I'm sexy.'

Between then and arriving though our days were full of paperwork and lots of driving around and getting IDs and filling forms and generally getting settled. I was scheduled to go to an exlporing excursion through Downtown Disney yesterday but since it wasn't crucial I go, and I was desperately needing sleep, I decided to make yesterday my day for chilling instead.

In the orientation procedures, Disney being Disney, participation is greatly encouraged. Me being me, of course... well let's just say that everyone knows who I am now, since volunteers are scarce and those who put their hand up win free stuff =0P I now have a cup, some pens and some figurines.

Over the almost-week here I've had a few 'oh my god what am I doing here?' moments. Some of you may recognise these as the times I've called you on the phone =0D My mobile has died and doesnt like the US current so wont recharge so I've lost a few phone numbers for the time being. So sorry if you havn't/dont hear from me phonewise.

Immediately around me, the area from what I've seen thus far is mostly highways and marshland. They weren't kidding when they said Walt Disney World was ~76km sq. I imagined they meant a theme park at that size, which I was having trouble visualizing, but no, imagine that space, with the various theme parks like Magic Kingdom, Epcot (you know that big silver sphere - rather Rundle Mall-esque) etc strewn about the place, and heaps of resorts thrown in between them.

One third of Disney property is wildlife conservatory, but I've yet to see anything besides squirrels morning and evening, and a tiny lizard darting away from me just outside a few minutes ago.

I've been taking a few shots here and there, one of my favourites I've taken was of a bird on shopping trolleys outside Wal-Mart (oh how I love that place) looking for food and leftovers. Sorry the photos section of this whole site isn't working, I can't upload anything as yet. Y'all may have to wait til I get home.

Anyways, my net time is up. I'll catch y'all later I'm sure =0)

* "Fedorida" to some.

Day number 1.12.05 of the voyage

Land ho!

I've landed m'hearties!
And I'll kill the pirate talk for now cos it'll hurt my mind.

it's okay, I'm alive.

I have heaps to blog about but my brain is fried and my online time is limited. I have many a yarn to share about the gruelling journey over here - including why my visa was Cancelled Without Prejudice cos of a clerical error in Sydney which resulted in my gender being WRONG!

I was actually taken into a private interview room in San Fransico Airport before customs and asked if I'd had a sex change etc!

And I was placed in a separate dorm with American girls instead of Aussies and the cute smiley security guard was all concerned about me. She said if I had any trouble to call her... I asked if i could call her even if I didnt.

Yeah, in the place a whole 10 minutes and flirting already.

Ok, I'm off cos all I did today was sign paperwork and listen to morons - including pushy Brazillian students.

I won a free Disney cup tho. I'm such a champ.