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Day number 20.12.05 of the voyage

That sound rings a bell...

On Sunday night I worked in Zone 8 where there are a few cool cafes and restaurants including Bongos Cuban Cafe owned by Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estevez - eww - I care not whether I spelt their names correctly because I care not about them.


Amongst these cool places in Zone 8 there is also DisneyQuest (home of the virtual reality pirate adventure that I've already gushed about), Cirque Du Soleil (which my redneck ex-trainer pronounces as Circus Dulay), and House of Blues. All of Downtown Disney is beside, or rather curled around, a lake, so it's really really nice working there, but Zones 7 & 8 (called The Westside) are on the opposite side of the lake and it's especially pretty at night.

House of Blues looks pretty cool and like DisneyQuest and Cirque I'm eager to mosey on down and check it out. Good food, good music, old and rustic look and feel, and a cool rusty watertower as their signpost.

On this particular night High Octane was playing out the front where all the al fresco tables were. They were pretty good.

I stopped out front and watched them for a while. Hearing some good ol rockabilly sounds again, it reminded me when I'd tag along with my brother and his mates to what was then called the Blue Water Cafe and see the Tomahawks** play.
Meh, I wasn't a real rockabilly, I know that now, I just liked their stuff.

Kinda spooky since I was walking past that same zone singing a Tomahawks song a while ago. If that one gig we went to was nowadays, I wouldnt have given the singer Dave his hat back when we stole it off him, I may've kept it - it was a cool Fedora. I knew not about these things back then. I was just a 16 year old kid whose brother's friends were buying Cactus' for.

Ah remember Cactus? They were kinda like Cruisers but better.


Around since 1992 this 4 piece band has been described by dB Mag as “looks a little crazy, sound a little crazy and apt to go a little crazy” and also by The MAX Festival as “having a tattooed, shaven-headed singer and a long haired Viking-like backing band that includes a stand up bass, who belt out a vicious rockabilly. Their styles are a home brew of rockabilly, country rock & Irish folk music. Fresh, energetic and rockin’ Covers from artists like The Pogues, Hank Williams, Stary Cats, The Proclaimers, Creedence, Eddie Cochrane, Chuck Berry & Johnny Cash to name a few.
-Aardvark Entertainment


Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

Emilio Estevez is cute so care at least a little (for me) xx

20/12/05 11:06 PM  
Blogger pirategirl yo ho's...

will do - but only for you :)
he was pretty funny in Naked Gun or whatever it was - and well it wouldnt have been Breakfast Club without his weird dancey thing...

21/12/05 9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

Lol, the many pronounciations (sp?) of the name Cirque du Soleil. Ah, my favourite is "Circus Olay". And Cirque du Soleil is French for Circus of the Sun. And a circus is so-called beacuse it is traditionally performed in a circular ring.
I ruv my bug! BYE!

21/12/05 9:21 PM  
Blogger pirategirl yo ho's...

ahh! i ruv you too my bug!
now i know who you are ;)

23/12/05 1:46 AM  

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