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Day number 10.12.05 of the voyage

Zone 7

Today I worked Zone 7, pretty much by myself cos Daniel hates doing this and he's having a really depressed time of it. 'Cos we're only here a few months, they won't move him to another role. I feel kinda bad for him, but can't help thinking he shoulda made more of a fuss before his 4th day on the job. Either way, poor guy.

That said, he was shitting me a tiny bit cos all he did for a while was complain, but I do understand. He was actually feeling sick from the smell and I can only be thankful of my limited sense of smell. Times like this I don't consider it a disadvantage.

I wish it was a little more helpful today having to clean up what I will only describe as what I speculate to have been the aftermath of a child with a tummybug. Seriously tho kid, how do you get that under the seat?

Anyway, Zone 7. This zone and the next is where stuff like the Virgin Megastore, DisneyQuest virtual reality entertainment, the AMC movie theatre, and Cirque Du Soleil all come together in this huge hub of stuff to do. It mostly gets busy at night, during the day people are at the themeparks. So today was pretty much me working about the place getting reaquainted with locations and stuff that we'd skimmed over earlier in the week.

I took a few group pictures of people which I must admit is my favourite part of the job, and even grew so bold as to ask people who looked lost or whatever if I could help them, which Disney encourages but which up until this point I've been a little inconfident in trying.

The shifts are 8 hours long as per usual but all said and done the day goes by relatively quickly. You have enough to do to fill that time, even if its just walking amongst the people on 'pan and broom' detail duty and talking to guests.

So this far along, I'm surprised to report that I actually like my job - tho of course, this is subject to change with time no doubt. After bosses talking with Daniel about him being unhappy in his current role they all checked on me to see if I felt the same. I could only shrug and say "No, I'm great." :)


Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

So you travelled to the otherside of the world to clean up shit.


You are working for a company that treats the workers like shit and is one of the biggest corporate whores in America and the rest of the world. You must be so proud to be there.

I noticed none of your friends bother to comment on this here site.

ahoy there me sellout.

11/12/05 11:44 PM  
Blogger pirategirl yo ho's...

who needs friends when i have people like you sending me little paper boats full of love?

hit me all you want mate and watch me have a big cry. enjoy your life.


12/12/05 11:06 AM  
Blogger K-Boo yo ho's...

Who pissed in your beer nonny?

12/12/05 11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

'cause we comment on her other site.
Trolls have a life ???

12/12/05 9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

blerg to that loser. really does anyone have respect for someone who goes on to a site and feels the need to say lame shit under the cowardly guise of anonymous.

Just a tip fool but dont speak about shit you dont understand. We talk to vix asm uch as possible so we dont have to comment on her blog. She knows we luv her and miss her.

dear dear me

19/12/05 8:54 PM  
Blogger pirategirl yo ho's...

teeeheee i blush like the fair maiden in a fairytale

you swash your buckles with the greatest of buccaneer ease my lovelies

19/12/05 11:13 PM  

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