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Day number 10.12.05 of the voyage

It's my accent, I swear....

Lastnite I was waiting for the bus and I got to talking with this guy who also lives in my apartment complex. He said he had to be 'back here at 7pm.' When I asked why he showed me a ticket to see Chronicles of Narnia.

me: Cool, I want to see it.

him: yeah? What you doing tonite?

me: nothing.

him: Wanna go?

me: *thinking* how much is it? (down to my last few dollars til I go shopping)

him: I'll pay for you :)

So between then and calling his apartment a bit later I wondered what to do and whether this was a date or not. I concluded what the hey, free ticket to see Narnia, so I went.

I was describing him to a room-mate as weird and kinda creepy but when we hung out for the 2 hours before the film (sold-out shows meant we had to catch a later session for me to join him), he had me laughing the whole time. He talks more than I do, which worked fine cos to begin with I didnt really know what to say.

Anyway, to wrap it up, we bumped into some of the other Aussies, saw the film, got home, shook hands, half hugged and went to our apartments happy to have made a new friend. My roomie tells me that the talk of the downstairs hang-out where all the aussies I came with get together was: Vicki was on a date tonite..... with a GUY.


If they only knew that a few minutes ago I was just 'kinda not really but hey im a lil tiny bit interested' asked out by a girl who lives down the hall.

I'm nowhere near this popular at home.

My conclusion? It's the accent.


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