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Day number 20.12.05 of the voyage

And a pair of Wonka goggles for Bonnie...

Today some clothes I ordered from Hot Topic arrived. I'm so excited, tho most of them I have to send back and get a size smaller, except for the only girls top I bought of which I need a size larger. How dumb.
I also got a Nightmare Before Christmas jacket and bag - oh how the bag rocks - and a few more badges for my collection on my guitar case, including of course one that says I (Heart) Pirates.


I also got some shirts for Basil and Bonnie's goggles - tempted to keep them!

But that's not what I was going to blog about, Im just excited. I was walking out the door to the bus and saw the UPS van pull in and I thought 'Oooh I wonder if my order will be there when I come home' and it was!!!

Today I decided it was indeed time to go food shopping and do laundry but alas after my early departure from work yesterday I discovered that my bag with my wallet in it was still at work in one of the (thankfully) locked closets. So I had to catch one bus to DTD to get it, walk around til the next bus came taking pictures - which was ok cos I got to talk to one of the bicycle security guards who loves me and who I swear is stalking me cos I always see him there - catch another bus back, kill 45mins, catch another bus to Wal Mart (oh how I love it), then JUST catch another bus back, then lug all of my hideously full bags back to my upstairs apartment.

But its all good now because I have had something to eat and am starting my laundry downstairs. I packed all my shopping away and divided up the pack of meat I bought into little one serve packs in the freezer like my mummy taught me when I was little :P

I've been a good little munchikin and have been looking after myself properly. Today I bought some fresh fruit & veg as well as my usual frozen variety, some cheese and soymilk - mmm soymilk, call me crazy but I like it. Tonite for tea I cooked one of the chops I bought lastweek and then turned lastnight's risotto into fried rice in the pan after my meat was done. I am determined that that frozen pizza in the freezer remains an 'emergency only' last resort.

It reminds me of the ad "Yes Mum, I am. I am looking after myself."

$10 if you can tell me what product/brand that commercial is advertising - cos I've forgotten.

Anyhoo, the washers and dryers call me. See y'all later. :P


Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

Lean Cuisine!

I want you to get me a couple of groovy lanyards. Since they shouldn't cost more than a couple of bucks each, could I give you the money for them when you get back, please? I don't put credit card details on the internet. If you want/need the cash upfront (I'm good for it, honest) I can send a Western Union money order thing. If it's too much hassle, don't worry. If it's NOT too much hassle, let me know the Aussie price equivalent so I can make sure I have the money for you.

You're a doll.

Robbie's on TV. Have to go. Hope you are having a great time, dahlink xx

20/12/05 11:05 PM  
Blogger pirategirl yo ho's...

lol i know ur good for it. I'll write you out a bill :P

what kind? its lanyard city here. the big thing at the moment is pin trading, so lanyards are the main vehicle for the many many pins people carry about to trade with folks like me.
I found some rather cool (and inexpensive) ones across the street with mickey and stuff on them. Theyre about $4, which is... i dunno... go to www.xe.com and find out what that is in AUD

21/12/05 9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

Hello. i was going to tell u that the ad is lean cuisine, but seeing as some nameless person beat me, i shan't tell u the answer! HA HA! I have got you there!
I'm rambling, but its what i'm good and and u stick to what your good at. AND I"M GOOD AT IT!

21/12/05 9:19 PM  
Blogger pirategirl yo ho's...

yes you are --- you anonny's do know that you can select Other and give me names dont you?!?!?!

22/12/05 11:00 PM  

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