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Day number 12.1.06 of the voyage

silly people

I am going to castrate whoever finds it amusing to open the dryers so that the machine times out while we're contentedly thinking all's well then when we go to pick up our dry laundry we find we have to pay another dollar for our clothes to dry - last time that happened it was several times a week ago and i was running late, dependent on the pair of jean i thought would be dry well in advance.
I'm considering setting up a vigil. Or a boobytrap. Personally the cruel pleasure I shall receive from the latter sounds more inticing.

So right now I'm being my rather refined self - eating my dinner straight from the saucepan - with the front door open even tho security doesnt like that, so I can listen to any change in my dryer's behaviour just outside. If I hear any change, screw my dinner I will come out saucepan swinging.

So I meant to share with you all...
The othernight I clocked off at 12:30am and waited out the 40mins til the bus came by hopping over to Pleasure Island to chat to my fellow team-members who were still working, mostly my lovely Brazillian boys. Anyway, I learnt how to request songs and was occupying myself with this and dancing in the middle of the promenade (probly the only sober one doing so). When it was time to go I kissed by Brazillians goodnight and headed for the bus.

Long story short, a girl from the latest intake of college program kids had had a little (and by little I mean enough to fill bathtub) too much to drink. She was passing in and out of a disoriented lucid state and vomiting heavily. There was a small crowd - incl our bus driver - around her and I figured everything was under control so I boarded and sat with 3 other Aussies from my intake.

Longer story shorter - of the whole busload of people including the freaking out driver, only our group of 4 Australian's knew that no actually she shouldn't be on her back like that, she'll choke when she pukes again. And that yes I know you're trying to help, but so are we and your help is actually going to kill her

Was I wrong in thinking that when someone is passed out or whatever everyone knows that you DO NOT lay them on their back, but on their side with their top arm and leg extended and you clear their airways?
Apparently I was.

No one knew what the fuck we were talking about and they stared at us blankly as we took over and directed the throng. I concluded that perhaps it was just that us Aussies are used to people drinking too much and needing this attention :P but on the inside I was shocked and kinda scared that for the most part we are all at the mercy of those around us, or rather the knowledge they do or do not possess, in an emergency. One of our crowd was asked if she was a nurse after she first approached the crowd - we were like 'no, we just know this shit and so should you in at least the same basic way.'

The bus driver - the one responsible for us at the time, not only did not get help from say the security office just around the corner, but was freaking out as he drove her home with us in tow (if it were my bus she'd not be getting anywhere near it, opting instead to turn her over to people on the location who could help, then taking everyone else home). One of our crowd stood beside him as he drove and calmed him, otherwise there'd be more people to worry about, and a busload of people in an accident is a little more than a step from from some stupid girl who drank too much vodka.

Also, though I felt sorry for how this girl was feeling (and would feel the following day), I washed my hands of her situation in all regards other than her safety. The stupid girl shouldn't have drunk so much. Bottom line.
And she was 19 too... yep, she's probably on her terminated way home right now.
In a way I say just as well. Most of this intake of College Program girls have been the kind who.... well let me word it as such, it looks like Planet Preppy or Barbie-town just exploded in Orlando.


Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

What a good girl. Yep! done exactly the right thing. someone should have gone and got security anyway, but job well done to all.

Hopefully she is on her way home because she obviously can not look after herself in any situation she finds herself.

My hero.....Mumsie

Say "Hi" to M.I.C.K.E.Y........

13/1/06 3:22 AM  
Blogger K-Boo yo ho's...

HAHA, stupid barbies!! DIE DIE DIE!!

16/1/06 1:22 AM  
Blogger pirategirl yo ho's...

thats kinda what i was saying in my head too

16/1/06 6:04 PM  

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