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Day number 12.1.06 of the voyage

Picking up the beat

Okay, so today we apparently had special managers wandering thru the place checking out the job we're doing. And I'm glad about that cos today I was on the ball and was keeping my zone absolutely immaculate.

It was kinda hot, but if you stayed in the shade it wasn't too bad. Kinda pretty really.

I'm not exactly sure why today was so good. It was probably due to the fact that
  • I had a loooong sleep lastnite
  • I remembered to put the pain relief gel on that the chiropractor gave me on friday
  • I think I've finally worked out the weird as Disney sizing system with my costume

  • The chiropractor last friday was so awesome. He hooked me up to some electrodey pulse thing for 15mins and then ran what im calling the mini floor buffer over my back, then poked pulled and prodded all these pressure points and stretched me, and then CRACK and damn did it feel good.
    I am so going again before I leave. I already feel like I'm wanting another adjustment. I'm not going to go that long without one ever again. I promise to myself.

    Tomorrow Nathan and I are going to Magic Kingdom.
    There's a pic of him and I and a girl called Bree in my photos, working on New Years.
    Huzzah a day off and I'm finally going to a park!


    Right now he and I are in the learning centre at work killing time before the bus home comes. Also we are partaking in some snackage acquired from the vending machine, mostly giggling at the animal biscuits I got. Nice to see someone else is a 7 year old trapped in a 22 year old's body.

    Lastnite I perused around Downtown Disney after work and actually looked at things. I clocked out, walked thru World of Disney to see how much Goofy Hats for Ness are, bought myself some popcorn (an indulgence to eat it rather than sweep it), then a strawberry margarita, then to Earl of Sandwich to delight in some of the scrumptiously awesome variations of gourmet toastie-toasties.
    Then I walked over to my beloved zone 7 and went into the magic shop where I watched the salesman do trick after trick after trick and now I want to buy the pack of cards and the book for $15.

    Then home to keep reading the paperback copy of The Shining I inherited from previous room-mates. You'd be proud of me, I'm actually reading a real book for the first time in quite awhile. Not only that, but flying thru it. I've never read any Stephen King before.

    Anyway, hope that keeps you somewhat updated for a while. My net time is up. Will post more from my apartment later if no one else is on the computer.

    Bye y'all, and thanks for the emails and hugs over my blue days.


    Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

    Thanks for the update. You do everything! xx

    13/1/06 12:54 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous yo ho's...

    Well done for reading Stephen King! I remember reading my first King like it was a few years ago... which it was! Glad ur ok, and get that dryer-tamperer cad!Bye!

    13/1/06 7:58 AM  

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