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Day number 1.1.06 of the voyage

Do I have a New Year's Resolution?... Nah

I saw the last Disney fireworks display EVER and damn, did they make the most of it. 13mins of a lit up sky and surprisingly, some of the photos i took came out pretty damn good.
Other than our quick break extension to watch fireworks I was working 9 hours til 2:30am. I had my picture taken with a few guests from Cuba who were elated to meet an Australian. And I found a plastic New Years hat, wore it for about an hour, then was asked by a drunk-ish guy if he could have it, to which I shrugged and gave it to him. This act earned me another photo op, and a hug and a thankyou everytime he saw me after that.
Apart from that small amount of goss I have not much more to say other than today was my day off.
I was called in but I said no, despite enormous overtime it would have earnt me.
My back hasn't hurt this bad since before I started seeing a chiropractor - so that must say that it's been working, cos damn I miss her right now.
I got up from a nap just before and couldnt sit on the edge of the bed properly, I had to either lean forward or lean right back, and to stand I need to walk my hands up my legs. I haven't done that for 6 months or something. Not good and definately not nice :(


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